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Surabaya Hosts “GENiuZ Space and Competition” for 1,700 Gen Z Students

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2024 | 7 bulan yang lalu

The Surabaya City Government held the Suroboyo GENiuZ Space and Competition at Balai Pemuda on Tuesday, 13 August 2024. The event was attended by 1,700 students from various high schools and vocational schools in the city.


The event provided a platform for students to participate in various training sessions and competitions, including personal branding, public speaking, photography and videography, entrepreneurship, content creation, and English debate.


Surabaya's Municipal Secretary, Ikhsan, who was representing Mayor Eri Cahyadi, expressed his hopes that this event would shape the character of the participants and enable them to develop their potentials.


"There are many speakers who care deeply about Surabaya's children. These speakers will motivate the children. At this age, children are looking for role models, so the Surabaya City Government has brought in some figures who can be someone that the children can look up to  shape themselves," said Ikhsan.


He explained that Mayor Eri Cahyadi is fully committed to the sustainable transformation of the younger generation for the development of Surabaya. One example is the annual youth Musrenbang (forum for regional planning) held at the sub-district and district levels.


"This year, the Mayor has prepared Musrenbang for women, where their voices are accommodated for Surabaya's development. There is also a Musrenbang for youth, where they can voice their ideas for future development," he explained.


According to Ikhsan, Surabaya's youth have begun to think about what Surabaya will look like in the next 10 years. The Surabaya City Government is preparing the city to be a comfortable and safe place for the growth of the children.


Meanwhile, the UNICEF Head of Office for Java, Tubagus Arie Rukmantara, stated that Surabaya is ready to move up to the next level. It is now the time for Surabaya's children to shine at the international stage, not just in the national level. The city has clearly facilitated the 21st-century skills needed by today's youth.


Arie explained that the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, along with the Chairperson of the Surabaya Children's Forum (FAS),will present Surabaya not only as a Child-Friendly City but also as a World-Class Child-Friendly City in China on 23 - 26 September 2024. This will take place during the Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI) Meeting, which will bring together mayors from around the world who are the members of the CFCI Club.


At the upcoming event, Surabaya's children will also serve as child speakers in the Children's Session, where they will lead the activities. The world is eager to see what Surabaya has to offer.


“The world is wondering how does Surabaya can allocate their budget specifically for children. Then about the available social services for them, as well as sanitation and health stabitlity. Those things will be told to the world at the upcoming event. And we all hope that Surabaya can be one of the members of CFCI on November”, he said.

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