The Surabaya City Government has announced the winners of the Surabaya Child-Friendly City Initiative (CFCI) logo design contest, coinciding with the 40th National Children's Day (HAN) celebration held at Atlantis Land, Kenjeran Park, on Thursday (15/8)
The CFCI logo design contest was held as a platform for children's creativity in welcoming Surabaya City into the global network of Child-Friendly Cities. This competition was open to all children in Surabaya, including children with special needs.
This is in line with the CFCI UNICEF's vision of "For Every Child," meaning that every child in Surabaya is protected and celebrated. The CFCI logo design contest won by Nadja Erfide Al Jamroni, a student of SMPN 20 Surabaya. Her design was chosen for its uniqueness and its reflection of the spirit and joy of children, as well as its rich philosophical content.
The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, appreciated the official CFCI Surabaya logo design created by Nadja. He even expressed his pride in the creativity and enthusiasm shown by the children in building the future of the City of Heroes.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Department of Regional Planning, Research and Development of Surabaya, Irvan Wahyudrajad, hopes that the CFCI Surabaya logo design contest can continue to encourage children to excel and participate actively in building a city that is suitable for them to grow and develop.
Irvan added that the logo designed by Nadja is part of the process of Surabaya becoming a Child-Friendly City. Previously, the Surabaya City Government had also taken various steps, such as creating a child profile and issuing two Mayor Regulations (Perwali), concerning the Mechanism for Implementing a Child-Friendly City which regulates the CFCI and the Mechanism for Providing Special Protection for Children.
Regarding the design she presented, Nadja explained that she included iconic elements of Surabaya, namely the shark (Sura) and crocodile (Baya). However, in her design, the two animals are depicted as cute and funny to give the impression that Surabaya is a friend to all children.
In the middle of the logo shaped like the letter 'S', Nadja added a heart image symbolizing the affection and friendliness of Surabaya towards children. This design is not only visually beautiful but also rich in meaning, reflecting the values that Surabaya wants to uphold as a World-Class Child-Friendly City.
Nadja admitted that she was very happy when she was crowned the First Winner in the CFCI logo design contest. For her, this shows that her shortcomings do not hinder her abilities and achievements.
It is known that Nadja is a child with disabilities who uses a wheelchair for daily activities. With her pride and confidence, Nadja continues to wheel her chair to receive an award at the Peak of the National Children's Day Celebration in 2024 at Atlantis Land, last Thursday.
Here is the full list of the winners:
1. First Place: Nadja Erfide Al Jamroni, SMPN 20 Surabaya.
2. Second Place: Natania Putri, MTs Nurul Huda Surabaya.
3. Third Place: Aira Sigita Bella Asanti, MTs Nurul Huda Surabaya.
4. First Honorable Mention: Khayra Mahdia Izzatunnisa, SDIT Nurul Hikmah Sidoarjo.
5. Second Honorable Mention: Jessica Angela Tyahyo, SMA Kristen Gloria 2 Surabaya.
6. Third Honorable Mention: Muhammad Rafi, SMA Luqman Al-Hakim Surabaya.
7. Favorite Winner (Elementary School): Mochamad Ulil Albab, SDN Jemur Wonosari 1 Surabaya.
8. Favorite Winner (Junior High School): Johanna Adreena Pasha, SMPN 3 Surabaya.
9. Favorite Winner (Senior High School): Sabrina Syahla Gadis Limarianto, SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya.
10. Favorite Winner (Chosen by the Surabaya Residents): Jessica Angela Tyahyo, SMA Kristen Gloria 2 Surabaya.
All winning entries have been curated by a panel of judges consisting of Naufan Noordyanto, a lecturer in Visual Communication Design at ITS (Sepuluh November Institute of Technology) Surabaya, Moch. Isa Ansori, an observer of education and child protection at LPA (Children Protection Agency of East Java), and UNICEF's office for Java.