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Surabaya Officially Becomes a UNICEF Accredited Child-Friendly City

Kamis, 26 September 2024 | 5 bulan yang lalu

Surabaya, 25 September 2024 – Today marks a historic moment for the City of Surabaya and its children. Surabaya has officially received international recognition as a UNICEF Accredited Child-Friendly City, joining the global network of Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI) alongside other child-friendly cities worldwide. With this global recognition, Surabaya becomes the first city in Indonesia to be accredited by UNICEF as a Child-Friendly City. This achievement demonstrates that Surabaya has met international standards in creating a safe, comfortable, and inclusive environment for children.
In celebration of this monumental achievement, a talk show titled "Building a Better Future: Surabaya's Steps Toward Global Child-Friendly Recognition" was held at the Siarek FAS Podcast Room, at Balai Pemuda Complex. Key speakers such as Ir. Irvan Wahyudrajad, M.MT (Head of The Surabaya Board of Research and Planning Development), M. Isa Anshori, M.Psi (East Java Children Protection Organization), Aan Haryono, SE, M.Med.Kom (UNICEF Java Island), and Andri Arianto, S.Sos, M.Si (Sociologist at UINSA Surabaya) shared insights on the important role of children in the city’s development. The event was also attended by 55 middle school students and 5 representatives from Surabaya’s Children's Forum (FAS), showing the strong involvement of youth in shaping the future of the city.
The official recognition is the result of Surabaya’s long journey, which began when the Mayor of Surabaya sent an initiative letter to UNICEF on September 13, 2022. Surabaya has since taken significant steps, including the establishment of the CFCI Task Force, active participation of children in development processes at all levels (city, district, and neighborhood), and the creation of innovative programs like the Surabaya Child-Friendly City Information System (Si TALAS), which allows children to directly participate in the planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of city projects.
Key Milestones in Surabaya’s Journey Toward CFCI:
1.    Sustainable Policies for Children: Surabaya has continuously developed child-friendly infrastructure and public services along with humane policies for all children. These include the construction of Children’s Achievement Houses in four areas of Surabaya, the establishment of the Surabaya Children Forum’s Secretariat and the Si Arek FAS Podcast, the construction of 487 Family Learning Centers at the neighborhood level, and the development of two affordable daycare centers by the City Government.
2.    Children's Involvement in Development Processes: Children in Surabaya actively participate in various public forums, including Musrenbang (Development Planning Forums) at the neighborhood, sub-district, and city levels, as well as Musrenbang RPJPD (Long Term Development Planning Forum) and other public consultation forums. Their voices are heard and taken into account in these processes.
3.    Six Consecutive “Utama” Child-Friendly City Awards: Surabaya has previously received the “Utama” Child-Friendly City Award from the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) six years in a row.
4.    Heksahelix Collaboration: Surabaya has built multi-sector collaborations involving government, academia, communities, businesses, media, and international organizations to support child-friendly policies and programs. This includes the Surabaya Child-Friendly Companies Association and Child-Friendly Journalists Association.
5.    Strengthening Institutions and Policies: Surabaya has strengthened its child-friendly city governance with the issuance of two new mayoral regulations: Perwali No. 61 of 2024 on the Mechanism for Implementing Child-Friendly Cities as well as  Perwali No. 62 of 2024 on the Procedures and Mechanisms for Providing Special Protection for Children.
In addition to the talk show, a Watch Party Panel Discussion was held to discuss the involvement of the Surabaya Children's Forum (FAS) in the "Child-Friendly Local Climate Action" event in Jinan, China. This is a testament that Surabaya’s children are not only making a difference locally but also becoming active agents of change on the international stage, supporting inclusive and child-friendly development in the global level.
Statement from Ir. Irvan Wahyudrajad, MMT (Head of Bappedalitbang Surabaya):
"Today is a proud moment for all of us. Surabaya’s journey to becoming a UNICEF-accredited Child-Friendly City is a reflection of our commitment to the well-being of children. We believe that the voices of our children are key to shaping a city that is not only safe and inclusive but also sustainable for future generations. With this recognition, Surabaya will continue to strive for excellence in child-friendly policies and provide the best environment for our children to grow and thrive."
About Surabaya Child Friendly Cities Initiative (SCFCI):
The Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI) is a global initiative led by UNICEF, aimed at helping cities worldwide create better environments for children. By joining this global network, Surabaya has ensured that every child has access to a safe and comfortable environment, receives all their rights, and plays a key role in the development of the city.
This achievement marks a significant milestone for Surabaya as a pioneering city in Indonesia in implementing high-quality child-friendly policies. The recognition also serves as a reminder of Surabaya’s ongoing commitment to protect and advance the well-being of its children for years to come.

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