Surabaya, Indonesia - Two young students from Surabaya have captured the world's attention with their inspiring presentation at the international forum, "Growing Up in Child Friendly Cities" held in Jinan, China from 21 - 26 September 2024.
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Surabaya's Presentation Garners International Acclaim, Inspiring Other Cities
Jumat, 27 September 2024 | 5 bulan yang lalu
Surabaya, Indonesia - Two young students from Surabaya have captured the world's attention with their inspiring presentation at the international forum, "Growing Up in Child Friendly Cities" held in Jinan, China from 21 - 26 September 2024.
Moreno Zaky Rahmadhany and Monita Rizkia Taufani, both students from Surabaya, delivered a captivating and original presentation that showcased Surabaya as a child-friendly city. Their visual-heavy and engaging style captivated the audience, including representatives from various cities around the world.
Their strong storytelling skills and deep understanding of child participation issues were particularly impressive. As a result of this presentation, Surabaya is poised to become a member of the Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI).
The presentation garnered praise from leaders of cities like Kuching, London, Jinan, and Milan, as well as the UNICEF Director for Asia Pacific. Even the states of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia have expressed interest in studying Surabaya's model, following the students' presentation to global leaders.
"I want Sarawak children to be able to take the stage like Surabaya kids," said Daniel Chua from the South Kuching City Council.
Monita Rizkia Taufani explained that their presentation focused on the opportunities for child participation in Surabaya. "A comfortable and child-friendly living environment is one that listens to the voices of children," she said.
For her, Surabaya is not just a place to live but also a space for social interaction where children can develop their creativity and productivity.
Ida Widayati, the Head of the Department of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, and Population Control of Surabaya stated that the city is continuously working with stakeholders to fulfill children's rights, including creating a child-friendly city with adequate infrastructure. The city has implemented a holistic and integrated child-friendly city development system, ensuring that all children have access to necessary services and support.
Arie Rukmantara, UNICEF Representative for Java Island, expressed his admiration for the Surabaya students' presentation, stating that it had captured the attention of delegates from many countries.
"The way they explained about Surabaya was so good. It clearly showed how comfortable and safe they are living in Surabaya, and how they continue to contribute to their city," he said.
This forum provided a platform for exploring child-friendly governance principles and practices. It emphasized the importance of not only reforming policies but also rethinking how governments operate to ensure that children's needs and voices are prioritized in decision-making.
"Congratulations to the children from Surabaya. They have eloquently and profoundly described life in the City of Heroes. This achievement proves that it is time for Surabaya to level up," he concluded.