- Consulate General of the United States of America
Citra Raya Niaga no. 2, Surabaya 60213
Phone: 031-2975300; Fax: 031-51162666; e-mail: consurabaya@state.gov - Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China
Jl. Mayjend. Sungkono Blok B 1 no. 105 Surabaya 6025
Phone: 031-5687224 – 25 or 5630305; Fax: 031-5674667; e-mail: chinaconsul_sur@mail.mfa.gov.cn - Consulate General of Japan
Jalan Sumatra 93, Surabaya 60281
Phone: 031-503008; Fax: 031-5041162 - Consulate of Netherlands
Jalan Imam Bonjol 36, Surabaya 60264
Phone: 031-5662409; Fax: 031-5662414; e-mail: consned@sby.centrin.net.id - Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Srilanka
Jalan Teuku Umar 37, Surabaya 60224
Phone: 031-5671868; Fax: 031-5664979; e-mail: drarya2006@gmail.com - Royal Danish Consulate
Jalan Sambas no 10, Surabaya 60241
Phone: 031-5676754; Fax : 031-5687203 - Consulate of the Federal Republic of Germany
Jalan Dr. Wahidin 29 Surabaya 60264
Phone : 031-5631871; Fax: 031-5631872; e-mail : germany@sby.dnet.net.id - Consulate of the Kingdom of Thailand
Jalan Perak Timur 56, Surabaya 60164
Phone: 031-3578001; Fax: 031-3578875
e-mail: onny@thaiconsulatesub.com - Consulate de France; L’Institut Francais d’Indonésie – Centre de Surabaya
Jalan Ratna 14, Surabaya 60246
Phone: 031 – 5035035; Fax: 031 – 5035021
e-mail : direksi@ccclsurabaya.com - Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic
Darmo Square Kav R-8, Jl.Raya Darmo 54-56 Surabaya 60254
Phone: 031-5621314; Fax: 031-5622835
e-mail : consul@czechsby.com - Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Hungary
c/o PT. Rama Sari Surya Persada
Marriott Hotel 3rd Floor, Jl.Embong Malang 85 – 89 Surabaya 60261
Phone: 031-5316000, 5453333; Fax: 031 – 5319000
e-mail : cisca_ong@yahoo.com, hucons@sby.centrin.net.id - Austrian Consulate Surabaya
c/o PT. Rama Sari Surya Persada
Marriott Hotel 3rd Floor, Jl.Embong Malang 85 – 89 Surabaya 60261
Phone: 031-5316000; Fax: 031 – 5319000
E-mail : austrian.consul@sby.centrin.net.id - Consulate of the Slovak Republik
Jl. Sikatan 39 Surabaya 60175
Phone: 031-3551221, 3521516; Fax: 031-35444016
e-mail: hcslovak@hakiki.com - Consulate of the Republic of Poland
Jl. Opak 16 Surabaya
Phone: 031-5680759, 5680804; Fax: 031-5680760
e-mail: secretary_sdm@yahoo.com - Consulate of Mongolia
Gedung Bank Yuda Bhakti 5th Floor, Jl. Raya Darmo 54-56 Surabaya 60265
Phone: 031-5612818; Fax: 031-5620968
e-mail: maildarmo@gmail.com - Consulate of Morocco
Jl. WR. Supratman no. 112 Surabaya
Phone: 031-5688818; Fax: 031-5688823
e-mail: riris_yuri@yahoo.com - Consulate Korea / Korea Association
Jl Mayjen Sungkono, Darmo Park I Blok II-C No. 2 Surabaya
Telp: 031-5688690; 031-5669927
e-mail: surabayakorea@hotmail.com - Consulate of Philippines
Klampis Anom G-35 Surabaya
Telp: 031-5946506 - Consulate Inggris
Yayasan Dewan Inggris Indonesia at Grand City Fl. 3Jl. Walikota Mustajab
CP: Ms. Erlin Puspitasari (08118061599)
e-mail: Erlin.Puspitasari@fco.gov.uk - Consulate Swiss
Jalan Dr. Wahidin 29 Surabaya 60264
Phone : 031-5631871; Fax: 031-5631872. - Consulate of Belgium
Jl. Darmo Baru Barat I no. 22 Surabaya
Telp: 031-7315062 - Consulate of Russia
Jl. Sumatera 116-118 Surabaya
Telp: 031-5022091 - Consulate Belarus
Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 149
Telp. 031-5451945